Table of Contents
Foreword by Robert E. Coleman
Bible Versions Used
Part 1: Introducing Spiritual Parenthood
- Spiritual Parenthood: So Needed, but Why So Neglected?
- Objections and Pitfalls
- Born into a Family, Incorporated into a Body
- Belonging to Two Families
- Facing Suffering, Persecution, and Loss of Honor
- Mission, Ambition, and Exhortation
Part 2: How Christians Change
- The Change Process
- Learning the Truth
- Praying
- Confronting Guilt and Receiving Forgiveness
- Understanding Biblical Honor and Shame
- Experiencing Liberation and Power
- Healing for Wounds
Appendix 1: What We Aim for in Discipling
Appendix 2: Other Issues to Talk about During Meetings
Appendix 3: Ingredients Needed in a Follow-Up Course
General Index
Scripture Index